Friday, March 27, 2009

Eales disease

Eales disease, also known as angiopathia retinae juvenilis, periphlebitis retinae, primary perivasculitis of the retina, is an ocular disease characterized by inflammation and possible blockage of retinal blood vessels, abnormal growth of new blood vessels (neovascularization), and recurrent retinal and vitreal hemorrhages.

Eales disease most commonly affects healthy young adults. Male predominance ( up 97.6%) has been reported in a majority of the series. The predominant age of onset of symptoms is between 20 and 30 years. The disease is now seen more commonly in the Indian subcontinent. Eales disease with a characteristic clinical picture, fluorescein angiographic finding , and natural course is considered a specific disease entity. Patients are often asymptomatic in the initial stages of retinal perivasculitis. Some patients may develop symptoms such as floaters, blurring vision, o even gross diminution of vision due to massive vitreous hemorrhage. Vision in these patients can be normal to hand movements or light perception only. Bilaterality is quite common (50-90%) patients.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Healthy neck

Neck pain can be due to improper habits in our daily routine or improper posture which cause pressure on the neck. Following measure can be take to healthy neck:

* Proper posture while sitting - keep your head up straight and rest your back on the chair.

* Avoid continuously sitting for a long time, walk about in between.

* While lifting heavy things do not bend your back. Sit down with your knees bend, keep the heavy object close to your body while lifting.

* Sleeping on a hard bed and lying on your back is good for the neck and back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach.

* When you have neck pain avoid pillows while lying on the bed.

* When there is swelling or pain in the neck applying heat on the neck helps.

* Relax. Tension causes pressure on the neck muscles which leads to pain.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Wealth -abundance of valuable

Wealth is an abundance of valuable material possessions or resources. The word is derived from the old English wela, which is from an Indo-European word stem. An individual, community, region or country that has an abundance of such possessions or resources is called wealthy.

The concept of wealth is of great importance in economics, especially development economics, yet the definition of wealth is not straightforward and there is no universally agreed-upon definition. Different definitions and concepts of wealth have been put forth by different authors and in different contexts. The choice of a definition of wealth can be normative and have ethical implications, since wealth maximization is often seen as a goal or put forth as a normative principle of its own.

Thursday, March 05, 2009


Childcare is traditional in western society for children to be looked after by one or both of their parents, but the need, or preference, for two-job households means that childcare is delegated to childminders or crèches on a full-time (40hrs) or part-time (< 40hrs) basis. Another option, that may be more intimate and often keeps children in their own home setting is through the use of nannies or an au pair. Additionally, parents may opt to have their own family members watch their children.

Most Western countries also have compulsory education during which children are at school starting from 5- or 6-years of age. The school will act in loco parentis meaning "in lieu of parent supervision".

Where parents are missing, dead, unable or unfit to care for children, state agencies such as social services may take on the childcare role.

In the United States, childcare in regulated commercial or family childcare home setting is administered or lead by teachers who may have a Child Development Associate or higher credentials. These higher credentials include Associate, Bachelor, and even Master degrees in the field of Early Childhood Education (ECE). Although Childcare professionals may obtain a degree, many states require that they attend workshops yearly to better their knowledge and skill levels in the childcare field.